Thursday 28 March 2019

Supply Chain Management Courses | Leeshore Logistics Academy

Leeshore Logistics Academy

Supply chain management is an introduction to the fascinating world of supply chain management. When you complete the supply chain management course you'll have a richer understanding of the complexities that companies face in today's world networked economy.


Understanding the issues inside the various fields of logistics and supply chain area unit invariably complex and need clear reasoning and analysis. More so, the decision creating in supply chain management typically needs not only technical competencies from those people involved, however additionally needs them to possess competencies of additional social control nature.

We at Leeshore Logistics Academy is the leading supply chain management courses offered in Kochi. Our courses are delivered by highly qualified trainers with hands-on experience in all aspects of the industry. Our experience and faculty help to guide the students through practical case studies and gain valuable industry insights and practices.

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