Logistics Management Challenges - Leeshore Logistics Academy: The Logistics Management challenges of supply chain management are customer service , cost control, planning and risk management , relationship management.
1. Cutting Transportation Costs
Growing fuel prices raised wages, and peaking inflation indexes all work in tandem to raise transportation costs daily. remove a few corners here and there does not always help in meeting the cost-cutting goals for transportation. include a strategic approach to eliminate or reduce bottlenecks can prove pivotal in revamping network designs and consequently cutting down on transportation costs. Cutting transportation costs To implement these strategies well, logistics managers need reliable information on existing and future orders. include a visibility software can help in simplifying these challenges. For a local business, commit on a cost-effective third-party transportation agency that caters to air, ocean, rail and road transportation is sometimes the best bet for obtain quality services in a cost-effective manner.
2.Processing Enormous Amounts of Information
Logistics managers duty to deal with a lot of images and information on a daily basis, besides coordinating smooth discharge of operations. The main benefit of their work includes ensuring the safety of the fleet and staff, fleet loading, cross-checking route maps, sanctioning fuel bills and so on. When completed manually, this can be a time-consuming and tedious task that can take your focus off from attention to details. deposing in an automated solution or application for data entries, fuel bills, loading and unloading ledgers can go a long way in streamlining operations by allowing logistics managers the affluence of time to look at the finer nuances of operations.
3.Offering Segmented, Customized Services
logistics management is turning into a multi-layered job where managers are expected to keep tabs on multiple supply chains same time. You not need to deliver goods on time but also offer customized services to different suppliers and customers in terms of packages and pricing. in order to increase in customer expectation, some top rated shipping companies are striving to consistently provide maximum consumer satisfaction.
4.Manpower Management
Manpower is the trickiest of management responsibilities. You must maintain a humane approach toward the employees while keeping the best interest of your organization in mind. it can be a difficult equation in any management setup, but especially so in case of logistics management, as the drivers and staff are often placed in different geographic locations to maintain swift supply chain velocity. fragmentation of responsibilities, by joined logistics managers in key locations, with appropriate work-order management solutions can help in more efficient management.
5.Compliance with Regulations
Traffic rules, regulations and safety norms can vary from city to city, state to state, and quite obviously, from country to country. If you are a business catering to a global clientele, these varying rules and regulations and familiarizing your staff with these, can pose a grave challenge